Where are the Kids Going?: The Cult of Wokeism and How They’ve Sucked Them In.

Why are so many kids converting to the cult religion of Wokeism? I’m going to talk specifically about the gender ideology part of it here, as that is a pet indoctrination project of Wokeism at the moment.  

It’s happening really fast, and it’s happening in conservative and Christian families as well as in liberal, secular families. It’s happening in red and blue states alike. The point is, it is showing the ability to change kids from any family background, in any state. 

I’ve heard story after story for months now of children deciding that they believe in this alternate reality created for them by the cult of Wokeism. Some of their parents support it, and some don’t. These kids have been led down the garden path, as it were. And their beliefs are resulting in life altering decisions (ex: hormone suppressants, chemical castration and sex change surgeries) and cult-like hysteria when anyone dares to question “their truth”. They believe that their thoughts are reality, and that no one has the right to question “their reality”. Not even their parents.

How did we get here? It’s a really big mystery. 

Except it’s not. 

Kids learn from their environment. It’s incredibly simple. 

There is a reason that 26% of students as of 2021 identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, when only 6 years prior it was 11%.[1] And the 11% was 10 times the number of people identifying this way than in the Baby Boomer generation (1946-1954) and 20 times the number from the generation before that (1928-1945). The increase has been more like a cascade. 

Wherever kids spend the majority of time, that’s what will influence their beliefs and values the most. It doesn’t matter as much what you as the parent believe or say if you aren’t the one spending the most time with them.

Time wins. Whichever message has the most routine time with them when they are young and impressionable, wins. 

Kids learn beliefs and values from wherever they go to school and from social media (for those who allow their kids daily access to it) simply because that is where the majority of their day is spent. If you homeschool them, then what they are learning is coming from you, and your biggest concern will be how much time they are spending hearing other messaging through their devices. Regardless of what you personally believe as the parent, children will be changed by what they hear on a regular basis.

If what they hear is the truth for the majority of the day, well and good. They’ll believe the truth. Truth can range from obvious biology (like that boys are male, and girls are female), to the truth of Scripture, to positive views about their own bodies and personalities, to absolutely any other factual information regarding the universe.

But if instead of the truth, what they regularly hear are lies (even if it is just from other kids that they are around all day, every day) and even if the lies are against the clear reality that they see in front of them, they’ll eventually believe it. 

If they’re regularly told by the people around them (or by people online or in movies/shows/etc) that they can pick their gender, for example, or that being gay will make them happier than being straight, most kids will eventually believe it. 

It doesn’t matter how crazy the lie is, or how far-fetched it may seem that your particular child would fall for it.

They are children and they are designed by God to soak up information and learn how to be.

They are not designed to fight a system or to logically argue the merits of their position based on facts. Sure, as they grow firmly rooted in the truth and in God’s Word, they will eventually learn how to do that. But that doesn’t happen by exposing them to this stuff while they are young. That happens by you teaching them how to think, how to articulate their views, and to base their beliefs on facts, not emotions. You do this over many years, as they grow and develop. They simply aren’t equipped for the onslaught when they are young. Children are both highly intelligent humans who can learn vast amounts of information in short periods of time but who are also extremely vulnerable and therefore need their parents to actively protect their hearts and minds. We know what is going on out there, they do not. We know the effects of these things and the risk we run when we expose our kids to this stuff. It is up to us to take steps to protect them.  

Sometimes I think about growing old and looking back at my life. I wonder what I’ll think about, and what I’ll regret. I know I’ll still think raising my kids and taking care of my husband were my most important jobs on this earth, and the ones I’m the most grateful to have had. I won’t regret not having a highly successful career or of having given up my teaching job to care for them. I will be proud of that actually, because it took sacrifice in so many different areas of my life to do.

I’m sure I’ll have plenty of regrets though, because I’m a sinner like everyone else, and yet there are some things that I can’t ever imagine regretting. 

I can’t ever imagine regretting not letting my kids on social media or homeschooling them or not letting them spend countless hours in front of screens. I can’t imagine saying “I really wish we had owned one of those massive TVs and sat in front of it for hours every day.” Or “I wish I hadn’t been so careful what they see or hear” or “I really wish I had sent them to school.” If my kids stray from God’s Word when they are grown, I will not have the “what ifs” looming over me for years because I will know I tried every single day to raise them up in Him while they were under my roof and that I didn’t take the easy way out. I took the hard road solely for them. I didn’t send them into places I knew were a risk to their minds. I didn’t expose them to things just because I wanted a babysitter.

The point is that if they stray from the path, it won’t be because I allowed harmful belief systems, ideologies and brain washing into their lives through my own selfish desires.

I am confident today knowing that prioritizing what matters will impact my kids and me positively for the rest of our lives. The Bible says, “Train up your child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). That’s a promise. They WILL NOT stray from it when they are old IF we train them when they are young. Either the Bible is true or it isn’t. If it is true, then this promise is also true. Training is not taking your kid to church on Sunday, praying quickly before dinner, or ensuring your kid gets confirmed at church. Those are occasional, pretty passive behaviors on your part. Training is not that. Training is a daily, minute by minute, difficult and active decision on your part to teach them the way they should go. It takes your presence and your effort with God’s help. We don’t do this to win favor from God or salvation, but we do it in order to teach our kids the way of the Lord.

This will not be without great effect, and we take great confidence in God’s promises for our children.

[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/education/3975959-one-in-four-high-school-students-identify-as-lgbtq/

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