I’m on board with the Target boycott.
I remember the first time I realized Target was Woke. I was living in upstate New York and I walked into our local Target to see a gigantic picture of a transgender man above the women’s section.
I stopped shopping there almost completely after that—and made exceptions for some gifts at Christmastime if what I wanted was something I could easily buy online at Target when it wasn’t available at Walmart.
Now, though, I’m officially 100% done with them. And I think you should be too if you are a Christian parent and if you have a desire to stand up against perversity aimed at your own children.
They’ve been displaying the LGBTQ agenda clearly to us through their images, mission statements and bathroom/changing room policies, gender queer mugs, calendars, and displays fawning over this ideology for years.
But now they’re going for the kids, and they’re going for them hard core. They sell books for children (ages 2-8) with titles such as “Bye Bye, Binary”, “I’m not a girl”, and “Pride 1,2,3”.
They have entire sections in this children’s clothing department dedicated to LGBTQ+ promotion.
And now they have tuck bathing suits for boys where they are supposed to tuck up their penis as they pretend to be a girl. They have chest binders for girls, and their LGBTQ+ apparel extends all the way down even to infants.
Target also started paying their employees to cross state lines to get an abortion, after Woe vs. Wade was passed.
And the final straw, if there was need of one, is that a major designer for Target is the British designer Erik Carnell, whose brand is called Abprallen. He is a self-proclaimed Satanist. I don’t mean he just secretly is a Satanist. I mean he has a past history of advertising his Satanist ties and even in incorporating it into his clothing.[1] He also goes viciously after anyone not on board with his agenda. Fox News reported that “Abprallen also sells merchandise with aggressive messages attacking critics. Pins with the phrases “heteronormativity is a plague” and “burn down the cis-tem” are featured on the website along with one that says “homophobe headrest” with an image of a guillotine.”[2]
So this Satanist’s clothing is sold at Target and he is a major LGBTQ+ designer for that store. There are so many reasons to stop buying from Target, and if we keep buying from them anyway, out of convenience or desire, then we are supporting this deeply harmful agenda that is targeting our children (not to mention our kids are seeing all of this when we take them there) and also supporting an incredibly corrupt, evil company that is linking itself to the demonic (and LGBTQ+ is demonic- it destroys children and their bodies, made in the image of God). We need to make an example of places like Target. I encourage you to stop buying absolutely anything from there. I’m starting right now. No more Target!
[1] https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWFoTmjbXA/ and https://twitter.com/scarlett4kids/status/1660072053985222656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1660072053985222656%7Ctwgr%5E4bd643db328176ba4492585d8bf2aa8cba7285d5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fmedia%2Ftarget-customers-shocked-company-features-gay-pride-items-satanist-partner-devil-hope-love
[2] https://www.foxnews.com/media/target-customers-shocked-company-features-gay-pride-items-satanist-partner-devil-hope-love