"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
-John 8:32
Latest Articles
Why homeschool? What’s really going on out there? Here are some statistics and fact-based information about children and the educational system that may help you make (or stick to) your decision. There are many more articles like these out there, with statistical information proving the disaster facing our society in this regard, but here are just a few to start you off!
While some of these articles may miss the solutions or root causes to these problems altogether, they give you the data for what is happening right now. Is “socializing” in the common use of the term, benefiting children mentally? Physically? Emotionally? Are school “socialized” children happier in general? Kinder? More respectful? Are we having great success with educating child en masse? Are children learning important things like math, reading, and writing and becoming excited about education in the public schools? Let’s see…
National survey: Students’ feelings about high school are mostly negative
“…Yale researchers found that most of their days are spent “tired,” “stressed,” and “bored.” […] In a nationwide survey of 21,678 U.S. high school students, researchers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the Yale Child Study Center found that nearly 75% of the students’ self-reported feelings related to school were negative.
School shootings, cyberbullying, verbal abuse of teachers, disrespect of teachers all on the rise, says the Washington Post
This Washington Post article is from June 2022. “The 31-page report, released Tuesday by the National Center for Education Statistics, also pointed to a rise in cyberbullying and in verbal abuse or disrespect of teachers over the decade that ended with the onset of the pandemic in spring 2020. […] A Washington Post analysis showed more than 311,000 children at 331 schools experienced gun violence since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. […] Teacher difficulties with students increased in the last decade.” Click below for more data.
New Pediatric Study shows significant increases children diagnosed mental health conditions
“A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) study published in the American Medical Association’s journal JAMA Pediatrics reports significant increases in the number of children diagnosed with mental health conditions. The study, conducted by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), finds that between 2016 and 2020, the number of children ages 3-17 years diagnosed with anxiety grew by 29 percent and those with depression by 27 percent.”
The Extreme Teenage Mental Health Crisis
“The United States is experiencing an extreme teenage mental-health crisis. From 2009 to 2021, the share of American high-school students who say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 44 percent, according to a new CDC study. […] Objective measures of anxiety and depression—such as eating disorders, self-harming behavior, and teen suicides—are sharply up over the past decade. “Across the country we have witnessed dramatic increases in Emergency Department visits for all mental health emergencies including suspected suicide attempts,” the American Academy of Pediatrics said in October.” It goes on to say that the stats do not point to Covid being the driving cause of these issues. This has been a problem clearly documented prior to the pandemic.”
Mathematics national Achievement
Click below to view the 2022 NAEP (nation’s report card) results for Math on the nation’s standardized tests.
Spoiler: 64% of 4th grade students in the U.S. are BELOW proficient in math.
Reading national achievement
Click Below To View The 2022 NAEP (Nation’s Report Card) Results For Reading on The Nation’s Standardized Tests.
Spoiler: 67% Of 4th Grade Students in the U.S. Are BELOW Proficient In Math.
ER Visits for Children who self-harm increased by 329% in 10 yr period
American Academy of Pediatrics posted a study showing that over a 10-year period, the percentage of children who showed up in hospital emergency rooms for mental health disorders rose by 60% and visits for self-harm increased by 329%.
CPS Behind Making Condoms Available in Elementary Schools in Chicago
“Under the CPS policy, schools that teach fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education.”
CDC allocated $85 million for grants requiring schools to start student-led clubs supporting LGBTQ youth
“Once a school is deemed eligible, the school can be awarded anywhere from $12,000 to $350,000 for the program.” These groups work specifically to teach children about gender ideology and how to end dissenting voices in their community (by calling people who disagree transphobic or homophobic, for example). This government subsidized program specifically teaches transgender ideology to youth inside of schools.
Youth suicide rate increasing over past decade.
“All demographic groups across race, ethnicity, and sex experienced increases in suicide risk since 2011,” PEW report reveals from new national data.
“People 10-24 years old account of 14% of all suicides–surpassing 6,500 deaths a year, which makes suicide the third leading cause of death for this age group.”
Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Public Schools
This is the highly influential guideline for sex education used in the public schools, which is actually called “sexuality education”. This is put forward by the Sexuality Information Education Council of the United States.
Planned Parenthood helped create this model program which teaches children as young as Kindergarten about orgasm, sexual lubrication, sexual and erotic fantasies, and much more, as well as positively promotes same sex attraction and transgenderism (telling children in some cultures transgender people get “special roles”), and specifically strives to “shape the way individuals learn about and express their sexuality.”
Parents say kindergarten and first-grade students are being read wildly age-inappropriate books about sexuality and gender identity — and the schools refuse to let them opt out
This brief article discusses the targeting of the youngest children within the public school system.
Huckabee blasts ’embarrassing and disgusting’ NYC private school’s explicit sex-ed for 1st graders
A posh private school in NYC reportedly showed six-year-olds a video in which cartoon children and their instructor engaged in a Q&A about various sexual organs and solo sex acts. The little kids in the video discussed “touching themselves” for pleasure. More proof you can’t trust anyone else to educate your children for you.
Sexually Explicit Books Were Put In These Virginia Classrooms
“While most of these books focus on introducing kids to different cultures and ethnicities, parents began to discover that an alarming number of the books focused on “sexual diversity,” contain sexually explicit language, including “frequent descriptions of underage drinking, fondling, masturbation, orgasms, oral sex, sexual intercourse, sexual abuse, statutory rape, incest, and rape.”
The Impact of Screens on Children’s Brains
Screen Usage Linked to Differences in Brain Structure in Young Children
“[This] Study of kids ages 3 to 5 suggests that digital media use (“screen time”) impacts development of brain areas responsible for visual processing, empathy, attention, complex memory and early reading skills.”
Increased Screen Time Leads to All Sorts of Development and Cognitive Problems in Children
Excessive screen time has countless detrimental effects on children’s cognitive, linguistic and social-emotional growth.
Associations Between Screen-Based Media Use and Brain White Matter Integrity in Preschool-Aged Children
“In this cross-sectional study of 47 healthy prekindergarten children, screen use greater than that recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines was associated with (1) lower measures of microstructural organization and myelination of brain white matter tracts that support language and emergent literacy skills and (2) corresponding cognitive assessments.”
In-depth Study Reveals Details on Lower IQ in Children Who Spend Much Time on Screens
A fascinating, well documented study using various technology including MRIs, which showed significant changes in children’s brains from much screen use, and discusses the massive impact on children’s mental and verbal development in quantitative terms.
My Published Articles
Losing Our Humanity the Easy Way
Published by Modern Reformation
Abortion’s War on Miscarriage: Taking Back Our Children
Published by The National Right to Life
Miscarriage at 8 Weeks and the Lies the Midwife Told Me
Published by Live Action News
[Warning: Graphic Images]
Miscarried at 16 weeks, Martin Shows the Undeniable Humanity of Preborn Children
Published by Live Action News
[Warning: Graphic Images]
Poisoning Our Children: The Need to Monitor TV
Published by The Baptist Standard
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Why Is Our Influence So Small?
Published by Modern Reformation