Why Homeschoolers Need to be Different

Stanford University. Once upon a time, if you held a degree from Stanford University you were assumed to be highly intelligent. An Ivy League education meant that you were among the elite. You were at the top of your game. Once upon a time, the name Stanford University meant something …something good.  

They were of course known to be liberal, but it is hard to find a university that isn’t these days. What we knew we could bet on though, was that their students were the cream of the crop. 

So what does the cream of the educational crop look like right now? 

Well, The Washington Free Beacon published an article (along with many other news agencies) highlighting an event that took place at Stanford University Law School recently. Click here for the full article: https://freebeacon.com/campus/dogshit-federal-judge-decries-disruption-of-his-remarks-by-stanford-law-students-and-calls-for-termination-of-the-stanford-dean-who-joined-the-protesters/

A federal judge, Kyle Duncan, was asked to speak on campus to the law students. What happened? He spoke, had a discussion with students, and went home right? Wrong. He was shouted down. Screamed at. Profanities were shouted at him. He had to be escorted out eventually by federal marshals because he was not allowed to by the students to even open his mouth. The school’s diversity dean was called in before his exit, and she joined in condemning him and his views, along with the students, and thereby supported the general insanity.

The students also posted hard copy papers with pictures on them of the students who DARED to invite this judge to speak. So that these students could be targeted, bullied and cowed into line.

Is this a bad dream or the reality? Law students—people who are going to become the next lawyers and judges in our country- throwing a public tantrum. People who should be able to articulate their arguments, people who should know logical fallacies (instead of using them like when they hurled insults at Duncan as their arguments against him), and people who should be willing to see both sides of a debate… These people have instead degenerated into a mass mob of slur slinging rioters. 

We could stop right here and explain what they were upset about (one example of which was that Duncan called a transgender child sex offender by their actual gender pronoun instead of their PREFERRED gender pronoun), but that would be to validate their behavior under any circumstances. As if there is any reason, ever, why that kind of behavior is acceptable. Is there ever any reason why adults at all, not to mention adults at a higher education institution, should behave in this way? No. Never. Judge Duncan was right when he later said “If enough of these kids get into the legal profession, the rule of law will descend into barbarism.”

What does this have to do with homeschoolers? I’ll explain. What we need now, more than ever before I believe, are parents educating their own children to a high level. There’s a prevalent view of homeschooling today which says don’t worry about a rigorous education. It doesn’t really matter. Do whatever in a day and call it a day. If whatever you “can do” is nothing but read a book aloud to your child, that’s fine. That’s good enough. It doesn’t really matter anyway. Everything is considered education and therefore nothing is education.

This is crazy talk. We need parents teaching their children how to think critically and how to articulate arguments. We need parents who teach their children how to ferret out the truth and to be mentally sharp. We need kids who know the history of the world so well that they can spot the seeds of communism, socialism, and fascism in politics without anyone else pointing it out for them, and they can know the result of these ideologies. We need parents raising up hard workers. We need parents raising up kids who have regularly practiced self-discipline. As Dr. Phil says, “We aren’t raising children, we’re raising adults.” What your kids are today, won’t magically change at 18 years old to something entirely different. If your kids are disrespectful today of authority, they’ll be disrespectful of it at 18. If your kids are lazy now, they’ll be lazy at 18. If your child has been conditioned to have a 15 second attention span now, they’ll have that type of attention span at 18. Unless you change course. Unless you act NOW. The attitudes and behaviors and mental exercises you engage in with your children now will be their attitudes, behaviors and mental abilities of tomorrow.  

What we need desperately right now are kids who are DIFFERENT. We need kids with respect for authority and are self-disciplined. We need rock solid Christian believers who base their faith on fact. We need to be creating and nurturing the next generation of Christian lawyers, doctors, teachers, mechanics, etc. who will not sit by and watch our society disintegrate just because the opposing voices are volatile and loud. It isn’t getting easier to be a Christian in America but harder. We need brave young men and women who write and speak for the truth. 

What we DON’T need are more soft targets for these people’s propaganda.

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