Why Your Child is Susceptible To Pride Month

Where and how a child spends their time is more powerful than what their parent says. It’s just true.

You as the parent need to be very careful in this day and age about how your child spends their time and who is teaching your child. The Bible talks about being wise in our behavior, and tells us how we should be raising our children up in the Lord, and how we should be protecting them, and this month just puts a magnifying glass on the importance of these instructions. 

Children are so mailable and so easily influenced (yes, even the Christian ones), which is why we are seeing more and more children turning to the LGBTQ+ community as we see more and more promotion of this ideology in our society. The statistics are staggering. We are now at 26% of students in the US identify on that spectrum (as of 2021), according to the CDC, which is up 11% from 2015.[1] Reuters published data from 2021 showing that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria nearly tripled in only 4 years.[2] A whistleblower named Jamie Reed, who worked St. Louis Children’s Hospital for 4 years transitioning kids, came out recently and explained that when she originally started working at the hospital they would get 5-10 calls a month from parents about their kids wanting to start transitioning. By the time she left, it was up to more than 40 calls a month.[3] She went on to explain that many of the children learned about their identity from platforms like TikTok, with some of them even becoming convinced they had other physical abnormalities that they clearly didn’t have.[4]

When the data becomes available for 2023, I’m sure we’ll see the upward trend continue. Children are becoming convinced they are same sex attracted and more than that, that they are actually in the wrong bodies. They’re learning that reality isn’t real and that their minds hold the true reality. Sure, they were born a girl, but actually they might be a boy. This is not happening just to kids in liberal homes. It is happening all across America in all different types of households—including Christian households with believing parents. 

Many parents are blindsided by their children suddenly changing their views on this stuff but it isn’t surprising if you look at where those children are spending the majority of their days. Are they in school? They’re hearing it from their peers and likely from their teachers. Do they have their own phone with internet access? Then they are seeing LGBTQ+ positive messaging everywhere and as other children have attested, they are also seeing LGBTQ communities calling them to join for acceptance and a sense of belonging.[5] What about TV commercials? Most of the major brands have signed onto this agenda hook, line, and sinker and to continue promoting it in their effort to virtue signal. 

Remember your children are the target for this stuff for a reason. That reason is that this content impacts them immensely. If a message is pervasive enough like this one is, and regular enough (which again, it is), then it will win most kids over. This is just historical fact we’ve seen play out in our own country and in other countries as well which seek to indoctrinate the youth with specific agendas and belief systems. Protect your kids’ hearts and minds this month, and every month. 

[1] https://katv.com/news/nation-world/quarter-of-us-high-school-students-identify-as-lgbtq-cdc-report-says-lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-trans-questioning-america-united-states and https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/supplemental-mmwr/students_by_sexual_identity.htm

[2] https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-transyouth-data/number-of-transgender-children-seeking-treatment-surges-in-u-s-idUKL1N3142UU#

[3] https://ago.mo.gov/docs/default-source/press-releases/2-07-2023-reed-affidavit—signed.pdf

[4] Such as Tourette Syndrome or multiple personality disorder or even being blind.

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk6EFu1xtjY

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